I have been running this blog for several months, and had limited response. Sometimes, I figured I was just doing a more "electronic journal" then a group publication. Further to this, in my world, I have become concerned about these important latter teen years in my son's life. I remember the story of Eli (and other fathers) who did not effectively usher their children into adulthood, and as a result they were lost. I don't want that. Therefore, I will be limiting my involvement with this blog site. I may still make posts or share things that I ran across. Some things are so very Messianic, that this is the best place to put them. But, more of my energy will be used in shaping my children (Specifically my eldest son, Joshua) as he matures to become a man.
On a related note: I have resently requested that the Celtic Church of Yahweh extend to me the leadership of their denomination in Canada. This church order is a merger of early Christian thought. It could be described as Messianic, but also Christian. I have yet to hear whether my proposal to the Celtic Church of Yahweh has been accepted. This is also an organization which desires to shape young men into Knights, which has been the path I am taking my own son.
If you wish to follow this blog, please look to the following link
still can't figure out why my links don't seem to work. Here is that link I mentioned:
God's continued grace to you and yours, Bradley